• Get involved in making the food. By helping the cook you will feel more in control and get to join in with the festivities.
• Plan out all your meals over the holiday period to keep from feeling overwhelmed.
• Avoid stressful environments and make sure you speak to family and friends for support.
• Have a code word you can use to let someone you trust know you are feeling overwhelmed.
• When you are feeling anxious, stop, remove yourself from the situation for a moment and take some deep breaths.
• Keep busy. Take part in plenty of fun and festive events to keep your mind occupied.
• If you feel really overwhelmed, speak to your counselor or another trusted person who can give you advice on how to deal with the situation.
• If you do choose to drink alcohol remember it is not a substitute for food.
• Eat consistently. Do not starve yourself in preparation for meals.
• Keep it simple, stay focused on recovery and enjoy the holidays.
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